Class Description & Fees
Something for Everyone
Radi8 Hot Yoga
Radi8 Hot Yoga is a set sequence created and popularized by Radi8 Hot Yoga in Phoenix, Arizona. It is a fun and dynamic set sequence of postures blended with great music and sauna-like temperatures…guaranteed to give a great workout.
Note: Yogachill is equipped with professionally installed state-of-the-art FAR Infrared heaters that raise the body’s core temperature in a natural, comfortable way without blowing hot, dry air.
Beginners Yoga
Great for beginners as well as those with experience. This class focuses on moving slowly into basic yoga poses while using the breath as a tool to remain present and mindful.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
99% Practice 1% Theory ~Sri Pattabhi Jois
The word yoga symbolizes the union of oneself with all that is. Through the practice of yoga, we experience increased self-awareness and feelings of centeredness, clarity, and balance in our everyday lives. Yoga aims to balance all the aspects of self: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Ashtanga yoga wakes up the internal fire. It ignites the dormant flame of vital life energy within all of us. The vinyasa system works by synchronizing deep, rhythmic breathing and movement. By linking the postures, it creates a continuous flow of energy that heats up the body, bringing oxygen to the blood, nourishing the glands and internal organs, cleansing and purifying the nervous system, and releasing unwanted toxins through perspiration. As the heat goes up, toxins are burned up and out of the system, creating a lighter and stronger body and clear mind. The heat is not only a physical experience; it is an internal spiritual fire that burns through the fog of illusion and ignorance.
As the internal heat goes up, not only do the toxins begin to exit the system, but another amazing thing happens; the body begins to bend and move. As Pattabhi Jois says “even iron will bend with heat.” With this freedom of movement we are able to open up areas of the body that had been previously restricted or blocked. There is a release, a feeling of lightness. It is in these places that we can discover what yoga truly is. Yoga is not just a physical exercise or some new way to pass the time or fill the emptiness, but a method of bringing life and vitality back into those areas, awareness of the deeper, inner parts of ourselves. It is a reunion with the innate wisdom that we all possess but seems to have lost touch with. Yoga was developed as a means of acknowledging or returning to the source of life. As concentration increases, the breath, mind, body, and soul come into union. Astanga yoga is a focusing technique that joins the main life forces, beating in unison to an internal rhythm, YOUR internal rhythm. With control of the breath, the mind becomes calm, allowing one to tap into a flow state where there is no sense of time, where externally imposed barriers dissolve, and there is a sense of oneness with the universe. As focus increases, there is effortlessness and lightness in the harmony of movement and breathing.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is an ancient system of yoga popularized by Guru Sri Pattabhi Jois. It is a dynamic flow of yoga postures in a set sequence that will take the practitioner from beginner to intermediate level of yoga. It synchronizes the breath and movement to create a unique combination of physical and meditative benefits. Vinyasa and Power yoga originated from this practice.
Methods of Practice:
Led Practice:
Ashtanga Half Series Led: *Recommended to have some experience in Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, or Power Yoga - In this class, you will be led through only HALF of the PRIMARY Series (Specific sequence of yoga postures). The instructor will lead the class with detailed instructions on how to get into the poses.
Ashtanga Primary Series Led: *Suggest practicing Ashtanga Half Series LED, Vinyasa, Power yoga, or have a Mysore Practice before entering this class. *If you have a power or vinyasa background, you are welcome to join, but please have an open mind. In this class, you will be led traditionally by counting the Vinyasa in Sanskrit through the full PRIMARY Series.
Mysore Style:
*Beginners entering Mysore must be recommended by a Yogachill Instructor. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a specific sequence of yoga postures traditionally done as an individual practice known as Mysore. Each student is given their practice according to their ability. This class allows the student to practice at his/her own pace. It also allows the teacher to help improve the student's practice, give modifications and additional postures.
Gentle Yoga
Mind Over Matter
Open to all levels of practice and abilities and is especially great for beginners. This soothing, gentle practice allows you to enjoy each pose. Expect lots of stretching and lengthening with a heavy dose of relaxation.
Price Plan
Per Class
20$Drop in ClassÂ5 Class Package
75$Expires 90 days. No Extension, No Transfers, No RefundsValid for 3 months- Expires 3 months
10 Class Package
135$Expires 90 days. No Extension, No Transfers, No RefundsValid for 3 months- 3 months expiration
PayPal $20